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McFarland Unified School District Pre-School
The philosophy of our center is to provide and promote experiences that meet the needs of children by stimulating learning in all developmental areas. The curriculum is developmentally appropriate and challenging. We believe children learn best from direct and personal discovery; through making choices and trial and error; and through modeling the adults in their world. Our program is designed to enhance the individual skills of each child and to honor and celebrate their uniqueness. This is accomplished by recognizing the interrelatedness of cognitive and intellectual development; physical, mental and nutritional health. We respect children, including their future, family values, language, ethnicity, gender and developmental differences.
            We believe in serving the “whole child,” which includes the child’s family and community. Parents are an important part of out program and we believe parents are the child’s primary teacher. We encourage parents to participate in the program, as they are a vital part of the center. We further believe that a well-prepared and sensitive staff is crucial to the success of our program. Staff strives to be positive role models for parents and children. The center staff is encouraged to continue their professional development and training for all center staff. We believe it is staff and parents communicating and working together in the best interest of the child, which promotes continuity and stability. Parents informed of current legislative process could affect the legislative process, which will benefit their children and the child development community.
Thank you,
Kern Ave. Pre-School Staff

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