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When students become truant and do not attend school, everyone loses; students lose the benefits of instruction, the district loses income, and the community suffers from an increase in juvenile crime.  Police Departments from around the state report that unsupervised, truant young people contribute to the greatest number of crimes, including auto and home burglaries. Truants are also victims and may get involved in drug use and drug dealing.

   Besides delinquency, truancy is costing students valuable education time. Absences cost the district money because every time a student is absent, the school district does not receive state funds for the student that day. These funds are important to support instruction and services for students in the district. Therefore, we are in the beginning stages of the implementation process of the School Attendance Review Board.
   Through the efforts of the sites, we anticipate an increase in student attendance rates. This handbook outlines board policies, laws and regulations. It has been designed to guide site administrators as well as the S.A.R.B. panel.

   The S.A.R.B. process is a collaborative district and community effort. The district Superintendent and Board of Trustees support the School Attendance Review Board. This is the first step toward the attainment of a good education. (Click on the link below to see full .pdf document)


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